Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Hola mi gente!

Summer has arrived to Barcelona! We have already reached +30! 
I love it! Spending every weekend on the beach chilling. 
Blogging hasn't really been my thing lately. Been out of inspiration and motivation. On this post I want to share a bit more of my feelings/history of body image, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. 

Like many other teenager I had problems with my body image in high school and in the University. For years I did track and field using all my energy to become as good as possible. My goals were high spenting summers traveling the Finland in competitions. I felt like I was never good enough, thin enough, strong enough or fast enough. I felt like the whole life I've been competing against myself and others. On the track competing was good but in the life not. 

On the last two years of competing I broke my ankle twice in a row. 
First time I twisted it badly but results went up. Next spring I broke the same ankle by taking results down. 
It was the year I started uni so I needed to make a decision either changing my coach in the new city or end. 
I decided to end which was HARD! I felt out off place and gained a bit of weight which I took very hard. 
For 2 years I couldn't follow any track and field competition.
I wanted to loose the extra by excersising more and quit eating meat (by doing it unhealthy way). 
I lost too much and ended up being unhealthy. 

During the time I was doing cheerleading. Once during training I noticed how weak I was when wasn't able to lift myself to 'lotus'. Then I went back to eating meat. Not succeeding in sports set my limits! I love exercising and sports so much that I want to be healthy in order to be able to reach my maximum capasity. 

I have finally got over those excess body image problems. After testing what suits me the best I have established an healthy and balanced diet without meat with the workout programs that fit me and my lifestyle. 
I stopped using a scale and watch in the mirror instead. I feel good in my skin and let myself enjoy the life now and then with some chocolate or wine. If you eat healthy daily you can let yourself slip the diet ocassionally. 
The secret is BALANCE in everything in life! 
I've learned that you need to enjoy your life. 
If you're happy it shows and you gain so much in other aspects of life aswell. 
When you notice your worth so will others. Confidence shows outside!

I am training for the love of sports and because I am curious how I can change my body with muscles. I like doing my own workout programs because I know the best what suits me. I also like to keep myself as an experiment for new workouts which I wish to apply to others later on. 

For The Love For Yourself! Respect! 

Adiós amores!
xxx -millamartta

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Hola chicos!

It's been a month since my last post. Abril was LOCO in a good way! I sincerely spent the month balancing with crazy working hours and personal life.
I met people who changed my life for good!
All my free time I spent travelling around Barna, enjoying life, beach, sun, good food and lovely company.

In this post I'll share some of the best moments in pictures within a month.

Hola chicos!

Edellisestä postauksesta on vierähtänyt jo kuukausi! Huhtikuu oli LOCO hyvällä tavalla! Kuukausi kului tasapainotellessa hullujen työtuntien ja yksityiselämän kanssa. Tapasin tässä kuussa ihmisen, joka muutti elämän totaalisesti. 
Kaiken liikenevän vapaa-ajan käytin matkustellessa Barcelonaa ympäri, nauttiessa elämästä, rannasta, auringosta, hyvästä ruoasta ja mahtavasta seurasta. 

Tässä postauksessa jaan kuvina joitain parhaista hetkistä menneen kuukauden aikana. 
Huhtikuu muutti ja rikastutti elämääni enemmän kuin osasin kuvitella. 

As we've landed to May already I've realized that life in Barcelona isn't the easiest. Yes it's sunny and warm which I adore! Behind all the glory, life is like anywhere else. Here you need to be ready to work a lot to be able to have a good life. You need to start from the bottom and be ready to make sacrifices. But it is never easy to reach your dreams!
This month is time to concentrate to get back at chasing my professional goals in the sports industry.
If you have the passion and drive you can do it anywhere despite the circumstances.
Gotta race the finish line just like on track on my past years of track and field.

Kun ollaan jo huhtikuussa olen saanut huomata ettei elämä täällä ole niin ruusuista kaikistellen. 
Kyllä täällä paistaa aurinko ja on lämmintä, mikä on ihaninta ikinä! Siitä huolimatta täällä onnistuaksesi, joudut tekemään hirveästi töitä! 
Palkat eivät ole läheskään sitä luokkaa mitä Suomessa (keskipalkka n.800-1200€/kk). Lisäksi joudut tekemään töitä keskimäärin 9h päivässä 5-6pvä viikossa (riippu työstä). Ottaen huomioon, että vuokrien hinnat on korkeat. Huone solussa maksaa keskimäärin 400€/kk. 
Kaikesta tästä huolimatta täällä osataan nauttia elämästä! Ranta, lämpö ja hyvä ruoka! En vaihtaisi mistään hinnasta! Barnassa on hyvä ihmisen olla!

Hasta la proxima!
xxx -millamartta